历史的天意观:清教徒的例子8 分钟阅读

历史的天意观:清教徒的例子<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">8</span> 分钟阅读</span>
阅读时间: 7 分钟

There are two ways to view history: through the secular lens or through the lens of God. 世俗的历史观认为人是掌握一切的. The opposite view is that God is in control 和 is actively involved in the lives of men. 后者通常被称为天意历史观.

Providence is defined as the care God gives us because he sees the past, the present, 和 the future. 此外, 韦伯斯特州 在天意的范围内, man that acknowledges a creation 和 denies a providence involves himself in a palpable contradiction; 为 the same power which caused a thing to exist is necessary to continue its existence. 因此, a providential view of history means that God is actively involved in every aspect of life, 为了他的计划和目的,在历史中讲述他的故事.

屏幕-射- 2014 - 11 - 10 - 1 - 52 - 57点As Colossians 1:17 (NASB) says, “He is be为e all things, 和 in him, all things hold together.以弗所书1:7-10告诉我们, “在他, 我们借着他的血得救赎, 宽恕我们的罪过, 照他丰富的恩典赐给我们. 在所有的智慧和洞察力, 他使我们知道他旨意的奥秘, according to His kind intention which He purposed in Him with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, 这是, 万有都归于基督, 天上的和地上的.”


When we view history as His-story, we see that all history is consummated in Jesus Christ. 帖撒罗尼迦后书1:10说, 当那日他来,要因他的圣徒得荣耀, 和 to be marveled at among all who have believed—为 our testimony to you was believed.用W.一个克里斯, “在历史的终结, 当耶稣降临来完成他所有的目的, his ultimate design will be realized: He will be ‘marveled at’ by all who have believed. 拉丁文拉丁文译本将“惊奇”背后的希腊语翻译为“钦佩”.当那日他来,叫一切信他的人都仰慕他.’”约翰·派珀说,“历史的圆满就是对耶稣的崇拜.”

我们从神的话语中读到,他的计划是让所有的人都认识耶稣. (提摩太前书2:4)因此, 如果我们把历史看成一个时间轴, 我们看到上帝的故事开始于伊甸园, 他的计划是让所有的人都认识他. 人(亚当和夏娃)非常了解主, 每天都与他同行,直到罪进来, 造成人与上帝的分离.

det365app的学生在课堂上一起学习圣经神的计划仍然是要人亲近地认识他, so we see in Scripture that God gave the Law to Moses 和 the Israelites to show us that so desperate is our condition, 我们永远不能遵守律法. 律法显明我们需要一位救主(罗马书3:23)。. 当耶稣降临, He bridged the gap —the separation— that occurred with sin so we can again have intimacy with Father God (Ephesians 2:8-9). We continue to study the timeline of history 和 see that the gospel was spread over the Middle East 和 Asia through Jesus’ disciples 和 Paul. 最终,福音开始向西传播.

God’s plan to reach all men required the gospel continue to move west from the Old World, 和, in 1620, 他用一小群忠实的信徒把福音带到新大陆. 这些朝圣者, 我们现在这样称呼他们, 在航行中有两个目标:在荒野中定居, 蛮荒的土地. In 普利茅斯种植园, 清教徒威廉·布拉德福德的日记, we find these two goals eloquently expressed in the Mayflower Compact— “having undertaken 为 the glory of God 和 the advancement of the 基督教 faith.”

The Providential view of history reveals to us that God’s plan is being carried out 和 His purpose that all might know Him is being achieved. 以上帝的观点来看历史,我们看到福音的每一次进步, 神兴起一位领袖,将福音传给那些还不认识他的人. 我们看到,清教徒是为了把福音带到新大陆而被提拔起来的, 同时也为一种新的政府形式播下种子, 基督教的自治.


时间到了 清教徒 从荷兰出发前往新大陆, 会众收到了一封来自他们敬爱的牧师的信, 约翰。罗宾逊. 在这个劝诫中, 罗宾逊提醒清教徒们, 选择离开他们的故土, 他们的土地,他们的生活,他们所有的朋友, their sacrifice would only bring fruit if they remained united with a common purpose 和 stood against any opposition that would seek to divide them. 罗宾逊说:“第四件事是要小心翼翼地准备, 这和你的工作有关, 你们所有人的共同点是什么, 你们的感情真的是为了共同的利益, 避免, 作为你舒适的致命瘟疫, 为了自私的利益而放弃一切. 让每个人都压抑自己的内心, 就像这么多反对公共利益的反叛者一样, 所有私人偏好, not consistent with the general convenience 和 as one is careful not to have a new house shaken with any violence be为e it is well settled 和 the parts firmly knit, 做你自己, 我恳求你, 弟兄们, 更加小心, 就是神的殿, 你现在是谁,将来是谁, be not shaken with unnecessary novelties or other oppositions at the first settling thereof.”

在他对即将离去的朝圣者的劝诫的最后一段, 罗宾逊宣布, “最后, 而你将成为一个政体, 共同管理公民政府, 并没有什么特别出众的人, 你们将从他们中间选出一些人担任政府官员, 要显出你的智慧和敬虔来, 不仅仅是在选择那些完全热爱和促进共同利益的人, but also in yielding them all due honor 和 obedience in their lawful administrations.”



Upon l和ing in the New World, the brave congregation encountered the vicious New Engl和 winter. Those not a part of their congregation began to talk of leaving the congregation behind, primarily because the Mayflower had not l和ed in the area where their patent was granted. 这意味着他们没有人正式统治他们. 另外, some threatened mutiny because they did not want to be subjected to government by a common man. 清教徒们知道,人数少就意味着生存的机会少. Using the wisdom they’d gained from God’s Word, they 为med what we now call The Mayflower Compact. 顺服主和他们敬爱的罗宾逊牧师, The Mayflower Compact became the first civil body politic rooted in 基督教的自治 和 ultimately preserved the infant settlement.

These seeds of 基督教的自治 diligently planted by 清教徒 bore great fruit, 为, 在美国建国时期, we see a generation of men 和 women who were able to reason from the principles of God’s Word. 这种能力渗透到他们生活的方方面面,以至于他们 圣经的世界观 使他们建立了世界上第一个基督教立宪共和国. 这并非巧合, 而是天意——一种哲学的直接结果, 课程, 以及教育的方法论, 其核心是, 基督教. 家, 教堂, 学校在宗旨和实践上都是统一的, 从而产生了震惊旧世界的革命性成果.

可悲的是,这种从神的话语中思考和推理的能力已经退化了. American schools today frown on referencing God 和 have removed our 基督教 heritage from our textbooks 和 classrooms. 个人和政府的自治也在恶化. It is only through intentional decision-making on the part of the 基督教 parent that America’s rich 基督教 heritage can be bestowed upon the next generation of Americans.


Schools like Dayspring 基督教 Academy teach students not only the rich 基督教 heritage they are heirs to, 而且是知道神的道的恩赐. 加上从神的话语中推理的能力, students are taught core principles that serve to develop the 基督教 character of their Pilgrim ancestors, 让他们体验真正的自由, 这只来自基督教的自治.

五月花号桅杆威廉·布拉德福德, 在他的日记《beat365官方网站》中写道, “所有伟大而光荣的行动都伴随着巨大的困难。, 必须以负责任的勇气来面对和克服. 大家都认为危险很大, but not desperate; the difficulties were many, 但并非不可战胜. 是的, 虽然他们应该在这次行动中失去生命, 然而,愿他们知道自己的努力是值得的,从而得到安慰.” Education 和 character development such as 清教徒 exemplified come only through intentional choices in raising up a child in the way he should go.

det365app, students are shown examples of 基督教 men 和 women of character whom God raised up to fulfill His plans 和 purposes. Students at Dayspring are challenged to delve deeply into the timeline of 基督教 history 和 ultimately arrive at the question of “What is my place in God’s story?”.

If you would like to learn more about a 基督教 education at Dayspring 基督教 Academy, 请致电717-285-2000的卡罗·哈斯汀.